Transport Dog Crates and Stylish Pet CarriersIf you're considering traveling with your dog, there are a number of important considerations. Dog transport does carry risk. If you've looked into this at all, you've probably been warned or heard about horror stories, particularly with travel by airplane, of dogs dying during the flight, or being injured, or even lost. Obviously the risk of these things happening is relatively small, or no one would ever think of putting dogs in transport dog crates and transporting them by airplane, or using pet travel carriers of any type. Simply because thousands and thousands of pets are safely transferred from one destination to another via the airlines, does not mean that dog owners do not need to take responsible precautionary measures to ensure the safety of their family pet. After all, it only takes one incident to change your life forever when your dog becomes seriously injured or dies because of a lack of preparation on your part. The number one suggestion to all pet owners is to completely avoid sending your dog traveling in an airplane unless it is absolutely necessary. Many veterinarians and humane organizations are constantly reporting about dog injuries from air travel due to dogs which desperately attempt to claw its way out of the crate in order to escape. Some of them actually do escape and become injured in the cargo bay. Travel pet carriers have a much better track record, simple because they are by nature smaller, and pets in travel pet carriers usually travel in the passenger compartment under your seat. Before proceeding with dog transport of any type, it's a wise decision to see your veterinarian for a general checkup for your dog to ensure that he is in fact in good health, and well enough to travel safely. He could be suffering from a medical condition that could put him at risk during travel that has never been pointed out to you, or that has only recently arisen. The best time of day for your dog to travel is when the outside temperature is at a medium level. So if you're traveling in a warm climate, early morning or the evening are the best times. Conversely, if you're traveling in especially cold weather, the middle of the day is best. This will help ensure that your dog does not overheat, or catch a chill. Puppies and small dogs can usually travel in the passenger compartment with you if you are also traveling on the same flight. This is desirable, since it minimizes the potential for stressing your dog, and significantly reduces the potential for your dog to suffer from separation anxiety. Puppies, in particular, can suffer long term adverse effects from experiencing separation anxiety in such a situation. You will need small transport dog crates or pet carriers for small pets for travel in the passenger compartment. You could even splash out and invest in stylish pet carriers you'll be able to use for other types of travel. Dogs of any age can suffer from separation anxiety, and some are much more prone to this than others. If your dog has ever shown signs of separation anxiety in any situation, you can be fairly certain that such a condition will be exacerbated if he is locked into a transport dog crate and left alone in the cargo section of the plane. Separation anxiety is a real condition that should not be overlooked. It is estimated that almost 20% of all dogs suffer at some level from separation anxiety. These personality types make very poor candidates for dog transport by airplane, unless they can travel in the passenger cabin with you (which medium and large dogs obviously cannot). Such dogs should not be left alone and when their condition reaches elevated levels, it is not uncommon for a dog to literally chew through a metal cage in the attempt of trying to escape, causing severe injuries that can cause the dog to bleed to death. It may be possible to treat your dog with natural anxiety remedies, or you may even want to talk to your vet about a sedative if you think your dog will react badly to being transported. Taking your dog on an airplane takes careful preparation and planning. Selecting the right transport dog crates or stylish pet carriers or other means of dog transport is essential.
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