Puppy Care Info For Your Puppys BenefitFor most people there aren't many things cuter than a new puppy or kitten. He or she is the joy of the family and everyone's happy.until he or she soils that brand new, very expensive carpet you just bought or chew a small part off your expensive Italian leather sofa! As cute as those puppies can be, it's going to take some effort on your part to take care of them and train them to live harmoniously with the rest of the family. The key to have a great start for the new family member is to arm yourself with lots of valuable puppy care information and most of all, prepare yourself and your whole family well. That way the most critical first days and weeks will be much more enjoyable to you and the puppy as well. To be the best puppy owner you can be, you need a lot of knowledge and tools to handle most anything coming your way! Stock up on Supplies To determine which supplies that you will need for your new arrival, there are any number of websites that will offer the puppy care information that you will need. Other good sources for puppy care information include your veterinarian's office, the local library, or the shelter that you adopt your puppy from. Puppies need lots of water and high quality food so the first thing you should get are bowls for water and food. There's also lots of different kinds of dry foods for puppies so that is also a top priority. This should be of high quality as it's very important for your puppy's health. You probably should get a crate for your puppy as most puppy guides recommend crate training dogs. You should line the bottom of the crate with an old blanket or a towel to make it comfortable for your new puppy. It might be a good idea to get a small piece of cloth from puppy's old home as the smell of that makes it feel more safe and comfortable in the beginning. A collar and leash are other good supplies to purchase before you bring your puppy home, as well as a few chew toys and grooming supplies like shampoo and nail clippers. To make sure that your chew toys are safe for your new pup, avoid items like rawhide that can break off and get lodged in a small dog's throat and opt instead for durable items like a Nylabone chew toy for playtime. Having some of these toys on hand will hopefully deter your dog from teething on other items like your favorite shoes or the living room chairs. Get Ready for Housebreaking Housebreaking will be one of the first training objectives you will have for your pup, and there is plenty of good puppy care information available to complete this task properly. A crate can be a very helpful tool in the process of housebreaking, since your puppy is unlikely to soil his crate when he is inside. For more information about puppy care and housebreaking check the Internet or ask advice from the breeder or veterinarian. Just make sure that you have lots of cleaning supplies available as accidents can and do happen. Most of all, be patient as it will take some time for your puppy to get the hang of this routine. New Puppy Coming Home? Read these Puppy Care Tips Read More Puppy Care Articles
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