New Pet Supplies When Bringing Home The PuppyIf you have a new puppy, you will need new pet supplies. You will probably need to purchase a kennel for your new puppy. Choose one that is appropriate for the size the puppy is now and not one that is way too big. It is often comforting for a new puppy to have a blanket or towel for the kennel. Choose this item carefully because you don't want a blanket or towel that will become dangerous if chewed. Of course you will need food and food dishes. A puppy needs proper nutrition and you may want to ask the advice of the breeder or a vet before choosing a pet food. Dog dishes can sometimes be quite fancy but you may want to steer clear of plastic bowls or the ceramic dishes that can chip and break. What about a collar and leash? Both of these new pet supplies are essential for a puppy. You can find collars that are made from rope, meshed nylon or leather. Maybe you will want a collar in a fashion color or with your dog's name engraved on it. Whatever you choose you will want to have the puppy begin wearing the collar around the age of eight weeks but while supervised at first. The puppy can wear the collar for short periods of time at the beginning until he is used to it. As the puppy grows you will want to check the size of the collar from time to time to make sure it is not too small. At first you should choose one leash that is long and made for outdoor training. Also purchase another long leash that is lighter and designed for indoor control. A short leash for walks and early training will come in handy, too. There are new pet supplies that come under the heading of snacks and treats. Some of these treats may be high in carbs and fat so be careful not to give them too often. These snacks do come in handy while training your puppy. Puppies often enjoy chewing so you may want to provide bones or chews for this reason. When a dog gnaws on a bone or chew they are not as likely to chew on things they should not be chewing on and it also provides a way for them to massage their gums and exercise jaw muscles. Check with your vet before giving bones or chews to your dog because some of them can be harmful and cause problems. Toys are new pet supplies that most dogs enjoy. Buy toys that are safe and well-made. Dogs often like balls, tugs and Frisbees. Don't forget about grooming tools when you are making your list of new pet supplies. If you plan to bathe your dog you will need shampoo and possibly a conditioner. There are also tools available that make grooming easier and you can find nail clippers, brushes and combs for every breed of dog. Choose your new pet supplies carefully and you will be completely prepared for that new addition to the family. Dustin Cannon is owner of Just Articles VIP and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about pet supplies Dustin recommends you visit: Pet Supplies For Your Precious Companions
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