Intervertebral Disk Disease It Could Affect Your BeagleWhen you examine your Beagle, you will notice that they have unusual legs and backs. Beagles are known to have two unique characteristics. They are known to develop weak legs and a crooked back and that makes them more prone to various illnesses; one of it is the intervertebral disk disease. Beagles have vertebral column and intervertebral disks similar to that of other dogs, cats and even to humans. Vertebral column or the backbone is consist of a series of small bones called vertebrae. These small bones surround and protect the spinal cord, a collection of nerves wherein information is transmitted between the body and brain. When the spinal cord is damaged, a dog's sensations and normal movement of the body will be greatly affected. Intervertebral disks separate the dog's vertebrae. These disks are soft tissue structures that allow normal movement of the spine from head to tail. To fully understand IVDD, let us discuss first the structure of intervertebral disks. There are two components making up the normal intervertebral disk. These are the annulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus. Annulus fibrosus is the outer casing or layer that contains nucleus pulposus, a jelly-like portion. Annulus fibrosus should keep the nucleus pulposus from bulging outwards. When the jelly-like layer bulges out into the vertebral canal and presses the spinal cord, intervertebral disk disease or IVDD occurs. IVDD is a condition wherein the spinal cord is compressed causing mild pain in the neck or back in mild cases. Severe case of intervertebral disk disease causes paralysis, loss of sensation and lack of bladder and bowel control. This disease that usually affects dogs between three to eight years is triggered by any normal activity such as jumping and running or minor trauma such as falling while playing. IVDD is common in the lower portion of the spine (thoracolumbar) but is also seen in the cervical region or the neck. A dog with IVDD in the thoracolumbar exhibits pain and is reluctant to walk, jump and/or play. The back may also be arched and weakness of hind legs can be present. When the dog often points its nose toward the ground, then it is cervical disk disease. The pain is in the neck and muscles in this area may be tense. The dog is usually less active and some will just lay and sleep most of the time. IVDD can be treated either through medication or surgery. Minor cases with neurological problems can be treated through medical therapy. In this case, drugs such as anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant are usually given to affected dogs. In severe condition with rapidly progressing symptoms, surgery is recommended. Doing normal activities is strictly prohibited to prevent the disease from getting worst. Richard Cussons writes information articles about dogs. To discover more about Beagle training, check out beaglesavvy.com and obtain as much information as you want about Beagles.
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