How To Find A Good Dog GroomerSelecting a good, professional and friendly groomer is an important part of caring for your dog. Since a groomer will usually be alone with your favorite pet it is important to make sure that they treat your animal well, notify you of any problems, as well as understand how to care for an clip your particular breed of dog. There are several ways to find a good groomer and one of the most obvious is to talk to other dog owners that you see as you are out and about with your pet. Dog owners in general tend to be very willing to give recommendations as well as warnings about good and bad experiences they may have had with groomers in your area. If you see a dog that looks just like you want your dog or has just the clip that you have pictured for your dog be sure to speak with the owner and find out what groomer they use. Some groomers work specifically on various types of dogs such as small, toy or large breeds. Many groomers are only set up to handle small dogs and do not work on large or giant breeds. Be sure to talk to the groomer in advance if you dog has any special needs or requirements. Groomers have usually completed some sort of formal training and will not be offended if you ask for their credentials and some references from their customers. Most groomers will have this information already included in their brochure or advertising literature. Consider going to the facility by yourself before the first appointment and asking to watch them work with a dog. They may allow this or may not, but most groomers understand an owner's concerns and will do their best to work with the owner to ensure satisfaction. Many groomers have affiliations with various breeders and organizations. A good, professional groomer will also assist you in selecting a clip or cut that is suitable for your dog and is appropriate for the show ring if this is a consideration. If the groomer is unfamiliar with the show requirements be sure to bring in exact pictures of what is allowable and what is not to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding regarding a cut or clip. In addition to just washing, clipping and grooming your dog the groomer will also condition the coat, clip the nails, clean the ears and empty the anal glands. If you don't want any of these grooming services provided be sure to talk to the groomer in advance. For those dogs that are nervous, timid or aggressive it is very important to discuss their temperament with the groomer prior to the first appointment. Most groomers will take dog-aggressive dogs only very early or as the last appointments in the day to avoid any possible complication in the waiting room or grooming salon. If you have a dog that has had a negative experience at another groomers or that snaps or tends to bite be sure to let the groomer know so he or she can take the appropriate precautions. Notify the groomer if the dog has any known allergies or is prone to skin rashes, hotspots, or dry skin conditions. If you have specialized products that you use with your dog you should make the groomer aware so they can have the same products on hand when the dog arrives for his or her first appointment. Article by Nancy Dean of Oh My Dog Supplies - the upscale source for dog beds & dog feeders
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