Caring For Your Pomeranian PuppyBringing home a Pomeranian puppy can be a special time as these little balls of fluff can steal your heart in an instant. But caring for a puppy is not all fun and games and there are certain things that need to be done to ensure your puppy grows into a happy healthy dog. If you've adopted your Pomeranian puppy from a reputable breeder much of his initial care will have been done for you and you will probably be given a good set of instructions as how to continue his puppy care. Here is the some of the things of concern when caring for puppies. Vaccinations Anyone that's had a dog knows that they need to have vaccinations much like human babies to protect them from diseases. When you get your pupppy from the breeder, he should have already had his first set of vaccinations done by the breeder's Veterinarian. you should record this information and bring it to your veterinarian so that he or she can schedule your puppy for any booster shots. Worming The initial warming on your Pomeranian should have been done before you picked him up, but there is probably some follow up that you will need to do. When you take your puppy for his first Vet visit you Victor Neri and will check his stool and we'll let you know what further action needs to be taken. Sometimes puppies need to be wormed again after a few months. Worming is easy, your veterinarian will probably give you a liquid to give to your puppy which will kill the worms. Dental Pomeranians can be prone to dental problems, therefore it's important to start good dental hygiene when your Pomeranian is still a puppy. You want to get him used to you brushing his teeth. I find that using a little that has rubber nodules that goes over your finger the best way to brush my Poms teeth. Be sure to use special toothpaste formulated for dogs which actually comes in a flavor that they like. When you start with your Pomeranian puppy, just start gently rubbing the toothbrush in his mouth just a little bit to get him used to it as time goes on he will think nothing of it and you easily be able to continue brushing his teeth when he is an adult. Grooming Pomeranians do need to be groomed so it's best to get your Pom puppy used to this as soon as possible. Get them used to the brushing and, in particular the nail clipping. Your Pomeranian should be brushed every day in his nails clipped regularly. You also need to clip the hair that grows out in between the pads on his feet so make sure your puppy gets used to you handling his feet early on. Feeding Find out from your breeder what food they were feeding the puppy and be sure to continue feeding in this food as an abrupt change in feed can cause digestive upset for your puppy. If you don't want to feed your Pomeranian this food, you can switch it out gradually. You'll also want to find out what his feeding schedule was and keep to that gradually changing it to match with your schedule. Typically, you should be prepared to feed your puppy three times a day when you first bring him home. Other Considerations When you bring your Pomeranian puppy home, the first thing you should do is call your veterinarian and make an appointment so that you can get them started on schedule for booster shots and regularly yearly checkup's. Another thing to consider is whether you want your Pomeranian to be neutered or spayed - if so, this should be done when they are around six months old and you'll need to make arrangements with your vet for this. You might also consider having a microchip implanted in case you're puppy gets lost as this may be the only way that someone can find that he belongs to you. Lee Dobbins writes for http://www.pomeranian-pages.com where you can learn more about the Pomeranian.
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